2024-06-23 10:00

Our Lady of Carmel Square

Sunday, June 23
Our Lady of Carmel Square, 8:30 p.m.

Prof. Dr. Egidio Ivetić
Prof. Dr.Nikola Samardžić
don Robert Tonsati
Prof. Dr. Saša Brajović 
Dr. Maja Katušić
Prof. Dr. Haris Dajč
Prof. Dr. Marijan Premović
Prof. Dr. Marko Rimac
Dr. Milena Ulčar
Prof. Dr. Vladan Joler
Prof. Dr. Đorđe Krivokapić

Commemorating the event in which the small bay town of Perast was plundered and nearly burned to the ground, only to rise from the ashes in the following decades as a strategic center of trade and politics for the entire region, provides an opportunity for new research into the past and discussions about the future. Researchers of the social, economic, and military history of the Adriatic will offer various perspectives in interpreting the circumstances surrounding the Great Ravage, as well as the consequences it left on Perast and the Bay of Kotor. Participants will examine the key factors that enabled Perast’s recovery and development, providing historical parallels to contemporary challenges.


I. Perast and Boka Kotorska on the Brink of Collapse: 1624-2024
Don Robert Tonsati
The Ravage of Perast and Boka Kotorska through the Ages

Prof. Dr. Egidio Ivetić
Venice and Boka Kotorska 1420-1797

II. Social, Political, and Economic Consequences of the Great Ravage of Perast in 1624
Asst. Prof. Dr. Željko Karaula
A Source on the Attack on Perast in 1624

Tina Ugrinić and Marija Knežević
On the Ravage of Perast in 1624 from Unprocessed Documents of the Historical Archive of Kotor and the Archive of the Perast City Museum

Dr. Eldina Lovaš and Dr. Ivan Armanda
The Diocese of Kotor and Perast during the Time of Bishop Vinko Buća (1622-1655)

Aleksandra Simeunović
A Review of Life and Development in Perast after the Great Ravage of 1624 (Architecture and Art)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Đorđe Krivokapić

III. On the Brink of Collapse: Consequences of Wars in Boka Kotorska and the Adriatic-Ionian Hinterland
Prof. Dr. Marijan Premović
Relations between the Kotor Commune and the Balšić Lords of Zeta in the Late Middle Ages

Prof. Dr. Haris Dajč and Prof. Dr. Đorđe Krivokapić
Boka Kotorska in the Wars in the Adriatic-Ionian Hinterland 1797-1814

Dr. Edin Omerčić
Perast and Boka Kotorska and the Dissolution of Yugoslavia through the Perception of ICTY Databases
Moderator: Dr. Maja Katušić

IV. Development and Challenges of the Urban Structure of Perast and Boka Kotorska: Art and Architecture
Dr. Ane Ferri
Paskvalić’s Role in the Defense of Kotor: The Complex Relationship between Pen and Sword

Prof. Dr. Saša Brajević
Visualization of Triumph: The Painted Cycle in the Church of Our Lady of the Rocks

Dr. Milena Ulčar
Body and Suffering in Early Modern Perast – Reliquaries from the St. Nicholas Church

Milena Mazarak
Altarpieces by Venetian Baroque and Late Baroque Artists in Boka Kotorska

Jasminka Grgurević
The Wreath on the Šestokrilović Palace in Perast as a Testimony of the Past and a Symbol of a New Era
Moderator: Dr. Maja Vasiljević

V. Vegetation, Climate, Space, Human Nutrition, Music, Health, Diseases, Epidemics, Migrations: Quo Vadis Mediterraneum?

Mag. Janko Paunović
On the Right of Dowry (dos, perchivium) in the Kotor Statute, Printed in 1616 in Venice

Prof. Dr. Marko Rimac
Establishment of Authority and (Re)colonization of Venetian Boka after 1689

Dr. Maja Katušić
Kotor and Boka Kotorska in Light of Pre-modern Migration Processes (18th Century)

Mag. Blažo Kažanegra
The Fortification System in Paštrovići for Defense against Conquests and Ravages in the Period from the 16th to the 18th Century

Dr. Maja Vasiljević
Establishment of Music Schools in Boka Kotorska as a Meeting Point of Military, Church, Artistic, and Popular Music History and Practice
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Haris Dajč



Prof. Dr. Egidio Ivetić is a Full Professor of Early Modern History at the University of Padua and the director of the Institute for the History of Venice at the Giorgio Cini Foundation in Venice. Among his published works are History of the Adriatic (2021, Belgrade, Arhipelag), History of the Adriatic (2022, Cambridge, Polity), Este/Oeste. La frontera dentro de Europa (2024, Madrid, Alianza Editorial), and Sud/Nord. La frontiera globale nel Mediterraneo (2024, Bologna, Il Mulino).

Don Robert Tonsati, the Chancellor of the Kotor Diocese, completed his secondary education at the Diocesan Classical Gymnasium and Paulinum Seminary in Subotica. He earned his Philosophical-theological Studies degree in 2007 at the Catholic Theological Faculty in Zagreb. Following his ordination as a deacon (2007) and priest (2008), Don Robert Tonsati served as a pastor in the parishes of Bogdašići and Lepetani within the Kotor Diocese. He graduated and obtained a master’s degree in Church History from the Faculty of Church History and Cultural Heritage of the Church at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. Additionally, he holds a diploma in Archival Studies from the Vatican School of Palaeography, Diplomatics, and Archivistics. Don Robert Tonsati is currently preparing his doctoral dissertation with a focus on issues of wealth and poverty in the Church of the second and third centuries.