2024-07-28 21:30

Church of the Holy Spirit

Sunday, July 28
Church of the Holy Spirit, 9.30 p.m.
Theatrical work

Mirjana Medojević, actress and author of the play
Primož Guna, actor, collaborator on the play

first part of the diptych: TIJELO, a passionate procession
second part of the diptych: PREKRIŽENA, a dedication to Love

The play POŽRTVOVANA KOZA by Mirjana Medojević is an intriguing and extraordinary theatrical performance that can be described as a diptych, featuring the acting duo of Mirjana Medojević and Primož Gun. According to critic Stela Mišković, the play unfolds as “a pilgrimage, detached from the context of religion… A pilgrimage for women, for theatre, for a deceased lover, for love, for self, against hypocrisy, for freedom… Mirjana Medojević’s approach to space echoes Schechner’s; where he worked with ambiance, she transforms the theater building itself – every space is a playground. Like Schechner, she explores dialectical relationships between theater, play, anthropology, rituals, performance, everyday life, popular entertainment forms, and psychodrama. Mirjana creates a dynamic space where every corner comes alive under her direction within the orthodox theater setting. Audiences can expect not a uniform or ordinary performance flow but rather a mosaic of surprises. This spatial approach dismantles theatrical illusions and democratizes the art form, eliminating distinctions between better, less better, and worse seats. By removing barriers between performers and the audience, interaction among them is fostered, enhancing collective participation in the performance experience.“ The play is a collaborative production between Apokalipsa Cultural and Artistic Association from Ljubljana and Mirjana Medojević, who also directs the production.

Primož Guna, actor, completed his studies in Philosophy and dedicated himself to Christian mysticism and apophatic (negative) theology as his primary interests. He collaborates with the philosophical Apokalipsa publishing house, where he edits philosophical and theological texts for publication. Primož Guna organizes and moderates literary evenings, with a focus on discussions about philosophy and literature. Additionally, he takes part in organizing conferences and symposiums in the fields of philosophy and religious studies.

Mirjana Medojević, author, theater director, playwright, and performer, graduated in Theater Directing from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Cetinje. She completed her master's studies under the guidance of Tomi Janežič at the Slovenian Academy for Theater, Radio, Film, and Television (AGRFT), while being mentored in playwriting by Ljubomir Đurković. She has directed plays in theaters across the country and the region, many of which have received multiple awards. Mirjana Medojević has also co-directed productions with composer and musician Samo Kutin and choreographer and dancer Jurij Konjar. She participated in the performance The Breathless PlaywRight, an eleven-hour reading of dramatic texts by Ljubomir Đurković. Leading a nine-month theater laboratory titled Transformations. Encounters. Potentials. at the Slovenian Youth Theater (Ljubljana), she also collaborated with Acting students from AGRFT as a visiting director for one semester, where she directed the theater zoom film Attempts on Her Life, based on the text by M. Crimp. Mirjana Medojević writes dramatic texts in Montenegrin, Slovenian, and English. She is a member of the Council of the Zetski Dom Royal Theater in Cetinje and of ZDUS (Association of Drama Artists of Slovenia), and operates as a freelance artist in the Slovenian cultural sector.