Thursday, August 1
The Maritime Museum of Montenegro, 8 p.m.
Exhibition Opening
Romana Milutin Fabris, author
Partner of the program:

“The exhibition Memories showcases about fifteen paintings created using oil and acrylic techniques on canvas. The artist brings to life memories of the physical aspects of Kotor and the Bay – hills, sea, Mediterranean vegetation, palaces, churches, as well as their historical and spiritual dimension: saints and blessed ones, religious and other festivals, what Jung calls the archetypal, collective unconscious. Indeed, from an early age, the author has been connected to the Bay, which, like Dubrovnik, her main inspiration, belongs to the Mediterranean region, historically and culturally linked with Dubrovnik, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the same year. Therefore, she strives to capture on canvas both the vibrant life full of light and colors and its hidden mystical essence. The theme of several paintings is Saint Tryphon, the patron saint of the city, the Diocese, and the Boka Navy, and the Saint Tryphon Cathedral, which have the same significance for Kotor and the Bay as Saint Blaise and his church for Dubrovnik: a spiritual foundation guaranteeing the solidity of cultural and artistic superstructure. The author is also connected to numerous friends from Kotor and the Bay, such as Don Branko Sbutega, one of the founders of KotorArt, who opened her exhibitions and wrote reviews of her art.”
Antun Sbutega
Romana Milutin Fabris is among the most beloved and esteemed artists of Dubrovnik, known for her brilliant vivid paintings depicting local scenes. For this former student of the famous Kokoschka, Dubrovnik is an endless source of inspiration. The author sketches the city and scenes in its port with a characteristic palette of vibrant colors that make her work recognizable. After completing the High School of Applied Arts in Split and Zagreb, she graduated from the Academy of Applied Arts. As a scholarship recipient of the Austrian government, Romana Milutin Fabris attended the Sommer Akademie für Bildende Kunst in Salzburg and studied under the renowned master Oskar Kokoschka. Since 1964, she has held over a hundred solo exhibitions and participated in more than one hundred and fifty group exhibitions, both in Croatia and abroad. She has been invited to work in Austria, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Hungary, England, France, the United States, Japan, and the Soviet Union. Romana Milutin Fabris is a member of the Croatian Association of Visual Artists (HDLU) and the Applied Artists and Designers Association (ULUPUD).