
2018-07-04 21:30, Duration 45min

Cinema Square

Wednesday, July 4
Cinema Square, 9:30 p.m.   

Guglielmo Papa, Omid Niaz
La Società della Civetta (Italy) 
Nano & Aroosak (Iran)
with the support of Dramatic Art Center of Tehran
Duration: 45 min. | Age: 5+ 

Concept and direction by: Guglielmo Papa, Omid Niaz
Live music and sound design: Tiziano Popoli
Cast: Guglielmo Papa, Omid Niaz, Tiziano Popoli

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Two men from faraway places, from two different worlds, each with their own baggage, each with their own past, meet in a new land. On the same plot of land. After a bitter fight, the two men decide to split the land in two and take possession of their parts, marking out the boundaries. A line in the middle divides them and at the same time protects them. Opening their bags, the two men find pieces of their history, fragments of their past lives. The two men build their new worlds, their new lives, in this new land. Two distant yet close lands. An invisible wall separates them. The only words they have to communicate are yes and no.
The two of them carry on their lives with the normal day-to-day contrasts of two neighbors, but as time go by, seen on stage as the passage through days and nights, their lives are revealed as being complimentary. When one of the two unexpectedly decides to leave the land, the other, finding he’s alone, will have no choice but to leave as well.

Guljelmo Papa, Omid Niaz