City Theatre Podgorica (Montenegro)
Duration: 75 min. | Age: 10+
Directed by: Emilija Mrdaković
Set, costume and puppet design: Svila Veličkova
Composer: Jovan Obradović
Language Instructor: Dubravka Drakić
Choreography: Slavka Nelević
Cast: Vule Marković, Jelena Simić, Goran Slavić, Omar Bajramspahić, Davor Dragojević, Dejan Đonović, Katarina Krek, Ivana Mrvaljević/Branka Femić, Miloš Pejović, Željko Caja Radunović, Mladen Nelević
Love hangs on bubble-gum in Verona. That’s the real truth.
It’s difficult to defend the claim that love runs the world today. Love is fragile and inconsistent - hard to find, recognize, catch, feel, keep, change, let go, or describe... And the world is full of envy, greed, hate, greyness, distortion, primitivism, prejudice, death, and moral and spiritual deadness, but also full of love and happiness – all has its place in this world. This show is conceived as a dramatic puppet romantic tragedy for the young generation, growing like a mass in the dark world. No matter in which time or century they live, their honest intentions and feelings get destroyed and extinguished at the end. Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet are a voice against antagonism, hatred, and violence of all times. It’s very hard to cope with the vicious world and a system in which all that matters is to be successful, to own, consume, hate, and destroy. In the background of the image of such a world, the love of Romeo and Juliet and their special, divine gift to love, rises to the surface, as unreal.
Emilija Mrdaković