RATIMIR MARTINOVIĆ, Founder and Director of KotorArt Don Branko’s Music Days, coordinator of all KotorArt programs
Only art that enters the public space, that surprises and makes everyday life less ordinary, as programs of KotorArt do, has the power to aestheticize, design and construct new senses and new meanings, revive the communitas and change for the better the story the town tells about itself.
One of the creators of KotorArt festival, pianist and University professor.

PETAR PEJAKOVIĆ, Director of the KotorArt Kotor Festival of Theatre for Children
The hardest thing is to change the system framework, create new institutions, but it does not mean that proper and quality work is not possible! KotorArt is a prototype.
Director, theatre maker and educator. He lives children’s theatre. He is persistent to make theatre and acting one step closer to the children and young ones.

VIKTOR VAROŠI, Executive Producer
KotorArt is a vital part of Kotor, its inherent part. The generator of high-quality music sounds, children's laughter, klapa harmonies, philosophical and architectural reflections, which are woven into the spirit of the Town. This magical atmosphere makes KotorArt a unique festival engraved in the memory of each artist it hosted and every man who visited its programs.
Cultural manager and producer, and piano teacher. A nerd because of his German blood and an artist because of the Italian one. He lives with KotorArt 365 days.